An organized campaign against the Lebanese Forces ministers is being launched in an attempt to create false rumors before the formation of the new government.
The Lebanese Forces ministers will publicly announce their accomplishments in government, as should all other ministers do, keeping in mind that a minister’s job is to efficiently manage the ministry, and excel within its framework, meaning that we can not compare one ministry to another.
The accomplishments of the Lebanese Forces ministers have three main reasons;
First, they abide by the law and constitution when it comes to public affairs, and treat everyone accordingly, whether they are allies or not. Second, they treat all matters transparently, the Lebanese people have gotten accustomed to shady deals behind closed doors, but the Lebanese Forces ministers set an example in dealing with politics. Third, they are clear and very strict about sovereignty, as well as their concern about public resources, and they believe that public money belongs to every single citizen and should be handled with extreme caution.
The Lebanese Forces ministers proved themselves in government as well as in their appointed ministries, they treated everyone equally, and their only guideline is the law.